Monday, March 29, 2021

Victor Migalchan's and Danny Trejo's Wholesome, Current, Contemporary, Family Sitcom "My American Family" is the Sitcom We All Can Relate to & Need.

 By Laura Medina

During these turbulent times, have you been catching yourself yearning for something relatable that reflects today's society yet comforting, like "The Brady Bunch"?

Don't worry, just launching on Amazon Prime, Victor Migalchan's, with Danny Trejo, "My American Family" shows today's Los Angeles, versus Hollywood, in all its multi-cultural yet All-American families and people of today, which says they're like every other family anywhere in America. This what attracts Danny Trejo, a decent family-friendly sitcom representing today's America.

That’s the case for Alex Romanovich (Miglachan), having lived in China for many years, he arrives in the US to live with his homestay Mexican-American family.  After the initial shock of having Alex living in their house, life is never the same as his unexpected good influence touches everyone. 

The father Miguel (Steven Jacques) has his hands full with pressures from his boss at the car dealership (Danny Trejo), his wife Victoria (Magi Avila) who is trying to be more than a housewife, a young daughter Phoebe (Marilyn Flores) struggling with her sexual identity, but also his own unrealized dreams until he meets Alex. Even the daughter’s best friend Kimi’s ( Kimberly Alexis Yee) direction in life shifts as a result. 

Alex may be the quirky but adorable third-person, objective observer but the real center of the story is Alex's landlord and today's befuddled family-man, Miguel, the All-American dad with Mexican heritage but still very much today's All-American dad.

If Miguel isn't being hassled by his boss, Danny Trejo, at the car dealership, he's besieged by family problems while being intrigued by his Chinese cultured-aficionado tenant, Alex Romanovich. Alex watches today's Los Angeleno and American culture through Miguel and how Miguel reacts to today's LA/American environment, atmosphere, and social changes and pressures.

Atypical "father/son" dynamic develops through understanding and relating with each other. It's the little quirks that defines the All-American experience for Alex.

In "My American Family" it shows there are decent people out there, who are willing to help.

The side story of Kimi, struggling as a typical Gen-Z Los Angeleno, trying to get by, then all of a sudden, met a guardian angel, a producer name Simon, who needs a production assistant in his production film/tv office. It's Victor trying to show there are good people out there.

"My American Family" creator and star, Victor Migalchan has many irons in the fire, striking when the iron is hot.

In addition to the Amazon Prime tv show, Victor continues his Eastern/Western culture with "The Master and the Apprentice," and international cooking show, "Dragon Chef" where Victor cooks traditional authentic Chinese cuisine. His international guests try, share their experience and present their own favorite dishes.

If he isn't busy enough, Victor is writing a book on relationships, bringing back traditional courtship and how relevant it is in today's contemporary society.

To make it easier to catch up on Victor, go ahead and watch "My American Family" on Amazon Prime right now.

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