Monday, September 26, 2022

Woke Before Woke, Showtime's Sinead O' Conner Documentary, "Nothing Compares" Streaming September 30th then Airing Sunday, October 2nd at 10pm.

 By Laura Medina


Sinead O' Connor was "woke" before the term existed.  She follows the long tradition of musicians and singers as activists, challenging norms while righting wrongs.  She was non-binary when it was unheard of and fluid was shamed underground.  She was a forerunner to what is socially norm right now. Sinead is s brave woman and mom who marched to her own beat.

For die-hard fans who wonder what happened to her, director Kathryn Ferguson saved the best for last.

There's Sinead as who she is now. In her fifties but still proudly shaven and still politically rocking.

She has a rocker son following her footsteps, with three children of his own. Sinead is a grandma.

Stick thru from beginning thru the middle, which explains everything in the end.

Sinead is just simply Sinead.

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