Monday, September 5, 2022

Brody Jenner as a Surprise Labor Day Party Guest, Thanks to Flying Embers Drinks.

 By Laura Medina


There isn't a Labor Day party like a sponsored Labor Day at Aviation Nation Dreamland.  The Dreamland half of the Aviation Nation clothing store used to be Neil Young's  “Crazy Horse Saloon”

Thanks to Flying Embers' Labor Day concert party with Brody Jenner, Dreamland is continuing the musical tradition.

Yes, Dreamland has a fully stocked bar and kitchen, sending out endless rounds of tacos and steady supply of Flying Embers canned cocktails and seltzer, from Ojai, Ventura, just up the Pacific Coast Highway.

Don't feel bad if you all miss out, that Labor Day's concert band, was at the Malibu Chili Cook-Off Carnival earlier, where the majority of guests got their invitations.

You'll never what or/and whom you'll pick up at the Boys and Girls Club Malibu Chili Cook-Off Carnival.

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