Monday, December 12, 2016

Ludo Lefebvre Roasts Rack of Lamb at WestEdge Design Fair, thanks to Fisher & Paykel

By Laura Medina

New Zealand cooking appliance company, Fisher & Paykel really outdid themselves.

First, they redid Chef Ludo Lefebvre's home kitchen.  Ludo was never an electric stove and oven fan.  But thanks to Fisher & Paykel, they converted him.

At the recent, past West Edge Design Festival, Ludo returned the favor by pan-roasting a rack of lamb with the simplest of ingredients.  It's all techniques.  The magic is in the fingers and hands.

Fisher & Paykel also did an outdoor grill with a bed of seaweed, roasting miso sauced grilled oysters.  One of the many "fountain of youth," because of the zinc.

Chef Ludo Lefebvre got juicy with Fisher & Paykel.

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