Wednesday, August 16, 2017

BeautyCon LA 2017, Growing by Leaps & Bounds, A Butterfly Growing Out of It's Cocoon.

Beauty Con Los Angeles 2017 edition has grown by leaps and bounds, landing and taking over the Los Angeles Convention Center, an outfit that properly fits it now.

It did had its growing pains when it first landed in Hollywood at Siren Studios, on Sunset Blvd. and Vine St., in 2013.  Crowds of majority nine-years olds swarm the cramped professional studio. Beleaguered upscale beauty were startled by the very young demographics.  UTA agents were lecturing to a blank wall of indifferent tweens.  Rival publicity were duking it out.

Through the past four years, BeautyCon LA went through its awkward stage, represented in very cheap, very spacious but mawky venues in equally mawky neighborhoods.

But BeautyCon LA and it's legion of loyal "beauty-istas" have the tenacity to continue and grow into a well-oiled machine in a venue that is worthy to it's commitment of beauty for all.

BeautyCon LA 2017 fills in the gap where Michelle Phan's Ipsy has lapsed.

This recent BeautyCon LA 2017 weekend did not discriminate.  It welcomed the more mature but just as beauty-intensive Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers, as it welcomed it's core audience of Millennials and Gen-Zers.

Remember, BeautyCon LA 2017 happened over the same weekend as the Charlottesville "Heritage" Riots.  If Charlottesville represents being left behind and clinging onto a dying past, BeautyCon LA 2017 represents the opposite end of the spectrum, diversity leading society into the future where heart and merit matters, not resting on shriveled laurels that serves no one.

Proof that BeautyCon LA 2017 is maturing and evolving, it did a fit and health event, "BeautyCon, Beauty + Balance," where what you put into your body is as equally as what you put on your face, "BeautyCon Grows Up & Evolves, BeautyCon's Beauty + Balance Weekend at Westfield Topanga Mall, Lucky Mall."

This is a sign that BeautyCon is growing up...and out, to BeautyCon NY in Brooklyn and London.

What used to be exclusively insider YouTuber Makeup tutors getting together to making them the only celebrities to attracting bonafide A-listers, that even non-makeup person will instantaneously recognized.

BeautyCon LA served the A-Listers for Saturday:

Laverne Cox sat down with fashion expert Joe Zee
"Laverne Cox Speaks Out for Transgender Rights at Beautycon"

"Chrissy Teigen Discusses Beauty Expectations in the Digital Age"

Destiny Child's Kelly Rowland joined in a panel discussion with Gold Medalist, gymnast Simone Biles.

Across the convention hall, fellow Olympian, Laurie Hernandez, was speaking inside Nike's Air Lounge.  This latest edition of BeautyCon LA is increasingly incorporating health, fitness, and all-natural but quick makeup for the all-natural, fitness Millennials, Gen-Zers, and Gen-Xers.  This scribe got all worked up for the sneaker monogramming and athleisure attire inside the Nike Air Society Lounge.

This scribe can't vouch for the Brooklyn or the London edition, but BeautyCon LA made quite an impression on this trend-spotting Gen-X scribe.

This is true diversity, including all ages, done on a glam level.  Celebrating it, through fun for all.

Curious about the next BeautyCon LA 2018.

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