Friday, May 22, 2015

OK GO is the best & the most Art Rock/Performance Rock Money Can Buy...& They're Not Snotty.

By Laura Medina

It's around this time of the year, this scribe goes back home to Charleston, South Carolina for some much needed "brain candy" at her hometown's highly-elevated, all-encompassing arts festival, Spoleto USA.

Which brings to mind, this so intellectual that it's lets-loose-so-goofy-that's-it's-fun OK GO concert.  Yes, those pop culture-appropriating rock geeks who define the "Nerd Rock" genre.

Rocking the crest of the "Nerds are Cool" Wave since nerds and tech geeks are pretty much defining the way we live...Apple Anything hello?!...OK GO are the epitome of "It's so nerdy that the quality rocks," and rock they did.

OK GO's concerts are performance art or "Art Rock."  They're something that Spoleto USA would love to have as headliners and perhaps, might be cash generators for that festival. Oh well, something to ponder...and the Wiltern got them two weeks ago; and it's for anyone and everyone.

For the fun-loving junior art patrons, a typical OK GO concert is one confetti party.  What this means that every 15 minutes, canons by the side, blow clouds of confetti upon the audience.  Can't beat that enthusiams, nor can you beat their loyal fan base.  It's normal to meet an OK GO fan who travel up to Los Angeles to see them at the Wiltern after catching them in San Diego.  While nerds and geeks do something, they do it very well.

Whatever technology or dance performance innovations you enjoy watching in their videos, they try to bring it live for their audience, live in person, at their concerts.

Their concert opened with a montage of movie clips repeating "ok" and "go" on a screen then it rises up to reveal the band.

Their entire concert was filled special effects graphics screen over the band and behind as backdrops.

During intermission break or breather, the band was nice enough to do a Question & Answer with audience.  Some ask how can they appear in their fun videos.  Pretty cool, eh?

Knowing people love them for their dance routines in their quirky-smart videos, for the finale and encore, OK GO did performance dance, bathed in flashing lights and graphics.

An OK GO concert is one, big confetti party.  Let loose your inner Nerd Rock God.


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