Monday, April 20, 2020

DIY Beauty, from Groceries,by Lifestyle/ Travel/ On-Camera Expert Influencer Lindsay Myers

By Laura Medina

Since you're lucky enough to either get a free box of groceries from the food bank or just have enough money to shop for the basics, you can stretch out your groceries while saving money on skincare.

For the past decade, using pantry staples has been a steady ecological and green trade as DIY spa treatments, at home, for pennies has been a consider a "green trend."  Now, it's a quarantine hobby and necessity when spas and salons are "nonessentials" shut-downs to stop the spread of CORVID-19 virus.

With using the basic pantry shelf stables of sugar, olive oil, salt, baking soda, honey, avocado, tea, yeast, eggs,and plastic wrap, you can "spa" inside the comforts of your own home, for pennies.

Don't throw away, go "spa-ing."

Lindsay Myers, “People assume that you need a ton of money to experience everything life has to offer. I have made it my mission to prove them wrong.” 

"I am no expert on how to do everything. But I have gotten pretty good at making whatever I have at home work for about anything. If this time period has taught us anything it is a self confidence that we CAN do things for ourselves and have the ability to do them. Of course it is nice to go get that mani and pedi or that facial. Who doesn't love getting pampered? But with this lock down we have had to figure it out ourselves, and I think we are doing just fine! Its always a great feeling to know that you can do it all if you have to! Here are some of my favorite DIY projects that I have picked up over the past month." 

Here's Lindsay's "spa-ing" at home recipes...

1. Natural Lip Scrub- I sometimes grab a pack of sugar and quickly exfoliate if I am in a time crunch. and need to apply some lipstick. But this is my new favorite natural way to get my lips super smooth!
1 TSP of Brown Sugar
1 TSP of White Sugar
1 TSP of Honey
1/2 TSP of Olive Oil  
Directions: Just mix all the above in a small container. You can store and keep this for a while, but trust me after about 20 seconds your lips will feel amazing. 

2. Bath Salts- I love a good bath, who doesn't! This is really easy to make and a great way to unwind and get some self care. 
Coarse Salt
Epsom Salt
Baking Soda 
Essential oil
Directions: Just take 6 part coarse sea salt and 3 part epsom salt,1 part baking soda, and just a few drops of essential oil of your choice. That is it! This combo helps sooth the muscles, helps with skin irritation, and softens the skin. 

3. Ombre Nail Manicure-I never go really big or bold with my manicures. But i have the time to figure out how to do it myself, why not! 
2 different nail polish colors, and clear top coat
Any sponge (you just need a little bit, cut off a section from a larger sponge)
Plastic wrap
Directions: Paint your nails with the lightest color. Let it dry. On the plastic pour our a little of each color right beside each other so they touch. Take the toothpick and swirl/blend just at the area where the two colors meet. Next take your sponge and dab it directly over this mixture and then dab the sponge directly on your nail. Keep going on all the nails. If you want to go back over the nails to make the color stronger just make sure the first coat is dry first. Finish with clear top coat. 

4.Hair Mask- It is SO easy to make simple hair mask with everyday things in our kitchen. Why don't we do it more? Maybe now we will!
2 hair mask options:
1. All hair types:
Directions: Simply scoop out half an avocado and mix it with a tbsp honey and apply to hair. Leave this on for 20 mins. Rinse in the shower. 
2. Dry Hair Mask:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Directions: Mix 2 eggs with 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and apply to hair. Leave this on for 20 mins. Rinse in shower. 

5. Facial: I have grown to love my facials, but they are expensive and right now we just can't get them. Why not learn how to do it yourself?
Chamomile Tea
Nutritional Yeast
Directions: Brew one cup of the tea with 2 tea bags. Let cool. Stir together 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of nutritional yeast. Add just enough of the tea to the bowl to make a paste. You want to be able to spread it on your face, but not be watery. Let sit for 20 mins. This is calm and restore your skin. 

Here's your grocery list of beauty, thanks Lindsay Myers.

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