Friday, April 17, 2020

Beat Cabin Fever & Still Stay Safe with At-Home Work-outs: Peloton, Ballroom Burn, & #FITNESSFRIDAY with Super Bowl Champion, Daniel Wilcox and Fitness Expert, Denzel Jones #QuarantineFitness.

By Laura Medina

Going stir-crazy with ramped up energy that you stored up during this month-long quarantine?  Now got energy and fat to burn?

Since gyms and studios are banned from becoming viral outbreaks of CORVID-19, aren't you wishing for days of yore, those huge Eighties McMansions with a room dedicated to your own full home gym, where I can burn hours and fat in your own home; and you can sweat in and clean your detoxifying sweat; and that sweat is your own responsibility, not contracting someone else's nor hoping someone else would mop up that sweat?

Let's leap forward to 2020, where you can have your own complete gym on a Peloton Bike...

This scribe was lucky to join a PyeongChang Winter 2018 Olympics NBC televised work-out, hosted by NBC's Today Show's Natalie Morales and crew.

There's even a Peloton treadmill.

An elevated Soul Cycle bike, the console televises various work-outs beyond biking.  

With the Peloton app, you can get a televised instructor-led full-body work-out, safely in home, without you sweating on others or anyone sweating on you.

Live Daily Classes, Feel the infectious energy of the studio in live daily classes, televised on the tv screen, whether it's on the bike, treadmill, or on tv.

On-Demand Library, Conquer your goals on your time with hundreds of on-demand classes. All at your Convenience, whenever you want it or need it.

Diverse Class Types, Find fresh workouts from running, strength, bootcamp, walking and stretching.

Varied Class Lengths, Show up for yourself on your schedule with classes ranging from 5 to 60 minutes.

With these many choices, a family of three, at least can find a Peloton work-out that's right for their age and fitness.

Peloton is a wise investment.

You can get your "Dancing With the Stars" work-out by publicist-turned-ballroom dancer and instructor, Steve Valentine,

Social distancing doesn't mean social disengagement. It’s time to get up and get moving - all from the comfort of your own home. 

Join us for their first-ever Fitness Workout lead by former Baltimore Ravens and Super Bowl XXXVII champion, Daniel Wilcox along with fitness expert Denzel Jones, owner of Finao Fit in Atlanta, GA. Together, they'll get people's blood pumping, work up a sweat, and give muscles some much-needed movement. Grab a towel, get your water bottle and let's go!

Friday, April 17, 2020

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