Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Eating Plants TV's Second Season Proves Eating Vegan Can Be Fun & Sweet. Who Knew Desserts Can Be Healthy.

 By Laura Medina

When asked about the upcoming second season of Eating Plants TV, Mick McIntyre and Kate Clere hinted about comfort food, lifetime classics that taste and feel like good ole reliables, but in vegan form. They clamor, thanks to the rising availability of ready-made, prepackaged vegan meat and cheese and milk; people don't feel like they're missing out nor feel like they have to take the time and energy to make vegan items from scratch. It's just like ordinary grocery shopping. Except, it's for the vegan version of normal, daily groceries.

What they didn't tell ya'...Surprise, Second Season is about spanning globe for desserts and sweet treats.

Eating Plants TV Second Season international insider local hosts give their local insight, that eating vegan doesn't mean eating your broccoli or it has to taste bitter, in order to be healthy.

Eating vegan can be fun and sweet, which corresponds to the normal evolutionary taste buds. Sweet tends to be safe and nutritious while bitter warns that it's poisonous.

In the Second Season, the local hosts prove that vegan can be fun, sweet, and rewarding, no guilt, no shame.

Who knew chocolate is a vegan superfood. In the Mexico episode, a chocolate atelier makes the Aztec invention chic while returning it to its vegan roots.

In the next segment, churros are now being baked vegan. Dipped into vegan chocolate, you're basically salad, proving you can still have your desserts and eat them too.

In the Australia episode, Martin Dingle has his desserts and eats them too.

He has a vegan croissant for breakfast.

But literally, he was a kid in a vegan gelato shop when he made vegan Cookie Dough Honeycomb Gelato, using coconut cream, instead of the traditional dairy. He noted that Australia is one of the biggest consurmers of ice cream.

This goes beyond comfort food. Second Season proves that you can still be a big kid at heart, but with an healthier and hopefully, a way bigger heart.

You don't have to sacrifice the taste buds for good health and consciousness.

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