Friday, April 7, 2023

The "Anti-Emily in Paris," RODEO, French Indie Take on "The Fast & The Furious," The Real French Motorcycle Gang & Heist...In the South of French, In Theaters Now.

 By Laura Medina

Lola Quivoron, is a real Parisian and French.

A many French people are proud to say, they don't watch "Emily in Paris."

Lola is one of many.  Her motorcycle heist and gang movie, "RODEO," is a real portrayal of everyday average French teens and twenty-something of today, coming from France's colonies, kids of immigrants stuck in working class blues.  Joining motorcycle clubs and gangs as substitute families.  Stealing dirt bikes and ATVs to support their habit and lifestyle.

Real French women wear Lululemon for the same reason American are Lululemon heads, comfortable leggings.

RODEO may be rough but that's what and why Lola watch Americans to see, watch, and absorb it.  Lola is also quick to add, French suburbs ain't American subdivisions.  She herself, Lola, grew up in the housing projects that constitute "French suburbs."

She knows her immigrate/first-generation/working class' desire to escape for a better life, by hook by crook.

Julie Ledru as Julia, is the tough as nail tomboy who's the only girl gearhead in a boys' clubs.

She refuses to use their looks and chops off her sexuality to prove she's just as tough and if not, rougher than the boys and the men.

Julie Ledru is a young Michelle Rodríguez.

RODEO is a French indie version of "The Fast & The Furious."

Of course, when Lola went to college, she lived off "The Fast & The Furious" series.

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