Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween from Illumination's Clive Davis Family and Hennessy Black with Evan Ross & Ashley Simpson.

By Laura Medina

There's nothing like celebrating the transitional Autumnal Exquinox then reaping the harvest than Halloween.

Hennessy Black and Illumination brought on the warmth as the air chills.

Hennessy Black Berry...


  • 2 parts Hennessy Black
  • 3½ parts cranberry juice
  • 2½ parts apple juice
  • 1 dash lime juice
  • Blackberry garnish
  • Served over ice in a highball glass


Hennessy Black is smooth and easy to mix. It can be served MIXED with ice for a lighter taste, balanced with a complementary flavor profile. Check out the SHOT version of the Hennessy Black Berry for a more bold, full taste, finished with a flavor twist. To make a simple version of the Hennessy Black Berry, just pour 1 part Hennessy Black in a glass filled with ice, top with 2 parts cranberry juice and enjoy.

Speaking of chills or chilling, Hennessy Black brought out the creme of the crop where guests, such as Evan Ross and Ashley Simpson, enjoy Autumn's elegance while enjoying...

CSI Miami's Eva LaRue. 

Card tricks and magic tricks, less skanky, not so evil but deepens in knowledge.  Hennessy Black's Salon Noir is more elegant fun house, not scare house.

On Tuesday, October 29th some of Los Angeles' best and brightest kicked off Halloween week with Hennessy Black at The Reserve, a 1920s Beaux-Arts-style renovated bank. The event, called "Salon Noir," was a fully immersive experience merging art, sound and cocktails in one transforming night. Mystery, mistresses of the dark magic and light and audio performances wow'd the party goers as they moved from room to room, including an apothecary experience, a library bunker, and lightroomGuests enjoyed hand-crafted Hennessy Black cocktails throughout the night while each room challenged each of the senses. The evening concluded to an after-party where DJ Kiss played a hit after hit as the dance floor packed. 

If the illumination at Hennessy Black's Salon Noir was reviving the vintage art of magicians and illusionists, then Clive Davis Family lighted the night with their acquisition of the pioneering affordable fragrance candles, Illuminations.

The Clive Davis Family did an Halloween Open House to launch their acquisition of Illumination Candles.  Yes, this is their foyer water closet.  Each Illumination candle has an astrological scent.  Aries' Pomegranate Cassis warmed the water closet.

Illumination's theme was "Nightmare Before Christmas," where both Halloween and Christmas collide to best showcase Illumination's entire candle collections.  The Clive Davis Family's library is Christmas themed of Cranberry Orange and Wild Woodlands.

Continuing the trend of savory adult Halloween treats, Illumination's Halloween buffet was a bounty of Fall Harvest, Heirloom LA's Pumpkin Lasagna Cupcakes and roasted kale, leeks, and quinoa and platters of gourmet cheese and dried fruit.

Don't worry, there's still treats but elevated.  Sweets worth your tastebuds.

Heirloom LA's Cashew Cheesecake (V) (GF) Blended California Cashew Cream with Citrus Gelée, Seasonal Fruit, Garden Blossoms and Cashew Crumble.  Fancy panna cotta.  Don't forget the pumpkin crème burlee, bite-sized raspberry and chocolate rice crispies and cupcakes and the traditional jumbo dark chocolate chip cookies, Chocolate Chip with Sea Salt  Valrhona 70% and 40% Chocolate Chip Cookies sprinkled with Sea Salt (Gluten Free Available).  Thanks

Hennessy Black and Illuminations prove that there's more to Halloween than cheap candy and cheap costumes.  They prove that Halloween is a chic way to celebrate Fall and celebrating the bounties of harvest.  Keeping the warmth unto the night.

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