Friday, September 6, 2019

Come Meet The Stylists, FitFabFun's Cool Market Research Cocktail Party.

By Laura Medina

Instead of doing boring, impersonal customer surveys, FitFabFun, once in awhile, really do out of their way to learn who their customers and what their customers want.

Sometimes, it's spontaneous, impromptu meet and greet in Los Angeles' fab malls.
Sometimes, it's a really nice cocktail party, inside the inner lair of FitFabFun headquarters...ssshhhh...

Now, this is how you do an cocktail party.  Every proper consumer office has a bar/kitchen built-in.  Whole charcuterie buffet of smoked beef, pastrami, and prosciutto with chunks of cheddar, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and brie all laid simply on a chalkboard bar. No platters. No bowls.  Now, that's a bar full of bubbly rose.

While exclusive, lucky guests snacked and sipped, they browse which subscription boxes and potential outfits that FitFabFun might offer.  Then, they play a guessing of "How Much?"

Whomever comes the closest, wins a raffle.

But everyone wins, each and every guest gets a goody bag.

Good market research.

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