Tuesday, July 30, 2019

VH1's "Love & Listings" Spotlights LA's Hottest & Freshest Real Estate Talents & Trends with A-List Celebrities Clients with Taylor Schwartz.

By Laura Medina

Taylor Schwartz's dad told her either go to college or get a job, she got her real estate license at 18, instead.

While earning a living as a very young real estate agent, she uses her wages to support herself through college.  Chutzpah!

She never thought her decision to become a real estate agent at 18, would get her a role in VH1's "Love & Listings," airing Mondays at 10pm.

As a Gen-Zer catering to the housings whims to Millennial A-list clients housing wants and needs, Taylor breaks down LA's housing trends, smart and sharp young lady...

She's not worried the established Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers.  According to her, Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers had already bought their homes and properties and building equities. 

Obviously, what gets Taylor busy and on the go, are Millennials building their nests.

The most common housing trend that Millennials want is MidCentury Modern that is warmed with farm house aesthetic.

Taylor reinforces what is already known among long-term residents and natives, Millennials want that farm house MidCentury Modern nestled among the hills bordering LA proper and the Valley, the view and the fresh mountain air.

Taylor's housing trend is no better exhibited than the location for VH1's "Love and Listings" premiere party location, an hill top MidCentury Modern with a darn good kitchen, that doubles as single family then good enough for STK catering to cook and grill on for this party.

Can't go wrong with a classic and chic cheese, cold cuts, and dried fruit board.

A kitchen good enough for a STK chef to grill BBQ Shrimp and make "help-yourself Mac n' Cheese."

The party settled down "Love and Listings" finally aired on the big screen, poolside.

This is the new Hollywood trend.

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