Monday, February 13, 2017

Too Faced's Chocolate & Sweet Peach Collections are Sweet Treats on the Skin and For Diabetics, Not on the Hips.

By Laura Medina

Way before technology was able to extract antioxidant molecules from fruit and berries and when organic/all-natural makeup was really was "granola hippy," those hippies really did dusted unsweetened cocoa on their face as bronzer and sweep it underneath their cheekbones to contour them.  Sometimes, like anything bronzer, they even deepen their eyelids with it.  If when clever and desperate, they even mixed it oils, fats, and honey for a bronzy, yummy lipgloss.

Fast-forward to the twentieth-first century, as makeup folklore has had it and what cosmetic chemists knew all along about chocolate's antioxidant flavonoids, Too Faced's  Jerrod Blandino discovered what organic facialists and beauty-istas knew all along, the healing and rejuvenating properties of cocoa.  From one facial in Maui, he took the skin-friendly benefits of chocolate then added chemist fuel to the fire then refined it into the twentieth-first century, makeup we can use everyday!

Those hippies, who would had thought their organic, homespun, thrift can be so glamorous?!

Adding fuel to the beauty chemistry fire, inspired by a caramelized peach dessert in Paris then the benefits of peach oil, Jerrod incorporated the essence peach oil antioxidant to uplift the mood and the skin while you wear it as everyday makeup.  That my dear is the hottest seller, Too Faced's Sweet Peach Collection,

First, puff on Too Faced's Chocolate Powder Foundation as your healthy yet glam base, then glam it up further by making it even sweeter by sweeping either their Chocolate or Sweet Peach Eyeshadow palettes, warm it up with either their Chocolate Bronzer or Sweet Peach Blush or Highlighter Set.

Too Faced proved that you can be both healthy and sophisticated, naturally glamorous.

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