Thursday, April 30, 2015

Both for "Brokechella," Mother's Day, & Rest of Summer, "Home & Family's" Sophie Uliano's DIY Vitamin C Anti-Aging Serum

By Laura Medina

Hallmark Channel's Home & Family's Sophie Uliano with Carson Kressley.

We all know our wallets and bags took a bruising during the two weekends of Coachella.  It was well-worth it.  Mother's Day is fast-approaching and Summer has yet to begun with more rounds of garden and pool parties and more festivals than you can shake a stick at.  We're in the mood of celebrating "Brokechella."

During this fallow in-between period, nothing more heart-felt and sensible than an home-made gift for both you and mom.  Mom  probably likes you better for taking the wholesome, sensible path.

Going way beyond the DIY greeting card you pasted together in kindergarten, Hallmark Channel's "Home & Family" beauty expert, Sophie Uliano has concocted a whole skincare serum recipe that both you and mom can afford to split and share over months.

The ingredients and supplies that Sophie uses can be bought at a very affordable price in large quantities that accessible at health food stores, drugstores, and online.  Think of this DIY Vitamin C Anti-Aging Serum as this cool crafting project that you will actually use many times over for a lot of stuff.

This serum can be added to creams and lotions as an extra boost if you have dry skin during the Winter or use alone as a refreshing serum when it's hot and sticky during the Summer.

You'll get a lot of "juice" from this recipe...
You will need:
2 tbsp of aloe vera gel (find in a health food store)
1/4 tsp vitamin C powder
1tsp distilled water

You can use a little plastic container, jar (anything that has an airtight lid). Simple mix the ingredients together. Keep it in a cool, dark spot and re-make it at least once a week – making sure you sterilize the container on the top shelf of your dishwasher before using it again.

You can apply your get after cleansing and toning morning and night. Follow with moisturizer. If your skin is really sensitive,  half the amount of Vitamin C that you add. You skin will tingle, especially if you do peels and/or use retinol products.

The colored and tinted bottles, that Sophie recommends that you use to save the light-sensitive serums and gels from destructive UV rays, are also pretty decorative on your vanity table and/or bathroom to mentally cheer you up.

Catch Sophie Uliano and her cast of specialists every Monday to Friday, from 11am to 1pm on "Home & Family" on the Hallmark Channel.

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