Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hyper-Real Skin, High-Definition Makeup, Miracle Skin Transformer & Urban Decay's Naked on the Run Travel Palette

By Laura Medina


Wanna look hot yet "all-natural" while on an holiday, say this time or you're traveling and working for a photo shoot or a TV shoot for an holiday special, and packing hundred pounds of hundred beauty products isn't your idea of fun and relaxation?

Miracle Skin Transformer is here to help.

This unsung hero magically "transforms" your skin beyond camouflaging bad habits, zit pits, and environmental damage.

Packed with healing and nourishing Camapu Plant, Marine collagen, Manuka Honey, Japanese Licorice Root Extract, Blue Mountain Sage Oil,Vitamin C + Ergothioneine, Edelwiess, SmartSal10, Pomegranate, and Sunflower Extract, Miracle Skin Transformer Face 20 is a Swiss Blade Knife that tackles wrinkles and zits, tackles age/sun spot damages, and soothes and heals blemishes.  The Manuka Honey replaces the oil for hydration.

 In six different shades, even Translucent for the ultimate "all-natural" Photoshop Blur (ideal for acne-scarred men or kids too young for makeup), Miracle Skin Transforrmer Face SPF 20 turns your mug into a smooth, velvety, suede canvas for makeup.


If you're hyper conscientious or been really naughty with picking at your pimples and blemishes, or the years have caught up with you in the forms of under-eye bags, broken capillaries, and "cold/flu" redness, Miracle Skin Transformer Treat & Conceal is that extra dab and spot for those and "environmental damage spots and dots" for that extra-smooth appearance.


Working and traveling or really want to impress frenemies and family during the holidays and want it all in one little snap?

The highly coveted Urban Decay's Naked on the Run Palette is the Cliff Notes of their wide array of their hyper-natural and hyper-popular Naked Line.

The chocolatey/rose eyeshadows, matte bronzer/contour and poppy strawberry blush, champagne highlighter, rose suede lipgloss, purple eyeliner, and mascara enhances your natural features and adds a rosy radiance to your eyes, cheeks, and lips for that "Magic Hour" Dawn to Dusk look.

Add that on top of the Miracle Skin Transformer base, you'll get that Photoshop "Hyper-Real" face, ready for a last-minute photo shoot and red carpet or just make everyone envious while you shop and bop from mall to holiday party. 

Urban Decay makes sure you can simply slide their Naked on the Run Palette  through TSA's scanners.

All this, you can pack in your zip-lock plastic bag.

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