Friday, May 16, 2014

Strawberry Gazpacho at Adoteca, It's How to Cope in an Heat Wave, a Double Dose of Chilled Antioxidants.

By Laura Medina

Adoteca's Strawberry Gazpacho.  11712 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90049

This heat wave-fried scribe is finding ways to cope, in a chic and cool way which means a lighter, healthier way.

Plus, this scribe had lived in California long enough to know that when the temperature is soaring there are and will be more bumper crop of ripe fruit and berries bursting with flavor and vitamins.  There had been times where there are way more fruit, at ridiculous knock-down prices, than what this busy scribe can do with them.

Leave to the experts, like the trained and experienced chef, Chef Antonio Mure, to whip a creation that is healthy and yummy yet light on the sugar and fat while making best use of what's good about California, a bumper crop of strawberries...and tomatoes.  

Strawberry Gazpacho.

It's what for dinner when the sun is broiling at 6pm, thanks Daylight Savings Time.  When a heavy dinner with broiling fat doesn't cut it and your famish fashionista friends are complaining about there's nothing light and gourmet to eat before getting smashed on delicious and free alcohol, tell them to go to Adoteca for dinner and sip Chef Antonio Mure's frothy take on gazpacho, the Strawberry Gazpacho.

Not only is it good for your figure, it's great for making your skin radiate.

With abundance use of strawberries then topped with Dungeness crab meat and chive pesto, there's no "ick" conflicting taste when strawberries meet the savory crab and tomato.

Not only do they color-coordinate together, the ruby red strawberries and the ruby red tomatoes,  the pureed strawberries added a frothy lightness to the usually soupy tomatoes.  The tomatoes and chive pesto toned down the fructose sweetness while the additional strawberries' Vitamin C adds brightness as the gazpacho still keeps its savory, but not salty, tomato taste.  Great for diabetics.  The fructose and the savory balances themselves out.

The fully-cooked and chilled Dungeness crab meat still tastes good and fresh.

 Grilled Fig topped with lobster encased in Burrata Cheese.
Another unexpected surprise is Chef Mure's grilled fig-fresh, grilled fig (not the dried, preserved one), topped with poached lobster and encased in melted, grilled Burrata cheese.

Another "ick" hurdle you need to get over.

The fig is fresh and lightly sweet as one expects from fresh fruit, not sugar-concentrated from the dried version.  The Burrata cheese goes well with both the fresh fig and the poached lobster.  In fact, this scribe likes smearing the melted Burrata cheese over the fig, a creamy, delicious pairing.  Chowing down on the lobster isn't bad either.

For this scribe, this is a cute purse of a complete meal, again a pairing of the savory with sweet where dessert (the fresh fig) is layered with savory protein (poached lobster) encased in melted cheese (great unifier).

During an heat wave where you need a complete meal without the fat, you need to be like Chef Mure and think out of the box.

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