Thursday, May 15, 2014

Eye Candy, Jewelry, for Charity, The Link Party by IceLink.

By Laura Medina

The Summer Social Scene in Los Angeles is bursting ripe (alongside the berry crops right now) already with charities "for a cause" soirees and souped-up sales with sweet-hearts, "partying for a cause."  The fruits of their labor is a ton of funds raised for note-worthy illness research in combating those illnesses or curing them forever.

Preceding Saturday Super Sale LA was last night's Ice Link Jewelry's "The Link Party."

The party debut specially-designed bicycle chain links fashioned into unisex bracelets in green, yellow, turquoise and yellow.  These limited-edition, sturdy, and sexy bike chain bracelets are now sold at Macy's. 
IceLink is launching a 3-month charity campaign and will donate 10% of proceeds from their green, yellow, turquoise and yellow patented bicycle bracelets sold to The Special Needs Network.

Last night's ultra-exclusive party was thrown to bring awareness to the The Special Needs Network, hosted  by Ronda Rousey (UFC Champ) and attended by "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Lisa Vanderpump, in the wake of opening her own restaurant, PUMP.  You can watch the interior ground floor reception here,

Max Ryan from "Sex and the City 2" movie (He was that hot Danish architect who got Samantha Jones hot and bothered then in trouble in Abu Dhabi) showed up for the festivities with rising fashionista publicist, Jenny Leeser.  He was another form of eye candy.

Thank goodness these swanky affairs are catered by the city's hottest chefs and the menu was thoughtfully planned for a gluten-free affair, low on calories, and portion-controlled...

The cute and mini single-serving cups of Chicken Salad topped with shredded potato chip, roasted Southwestern Shrimp Salad, and halved cheesy vegetarian sandwiches and the pre-requisted skewer of cherry tomatoes and balls of mozzarella cheese.  Thank God, there was a big platter of plump shrimp cocktail.

People always ask this party-hopper how she stays so deliciously curvy svelte.  Easy, this sweet foodie fashionista sweats it out during the day burning butt at Cardio Barre or shredding gluteus maximus on shaking pilates megareformers then rewards herself on protein-packed fresh seafood or portion-controlled hors d'oeuvres.  The yummy rose champagne makes up for the daytime detox juices and smoothies...

It never hurts when the desserts are hors d'oeuvres themselves or what the French calls "amuse bouche" or "bons bons."  A variety of tiny desserts that pack a lot of flavor and texture, a taste will do thank you.

Again, thank God there were opportunities to burn off the calories due to the rocking DJ Jeremy de Koste, the ungodly heat wave melting off the pounds, and LeRush Swimwear (one of the sponsors) throwing an impromptu beach volleyball set inside the sultry soiree.

If you want to nibble on real "eye candy" inside the party which really matters to most guests, go watch and to get a feel how it feels inside without the inclement weather.

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