Monday, May 14, 2012

Kimora Lee’s Shinto Clinical, Medical Grade. Women-Tested.

By Laura Medina

Kimora Lee holding her raved about "Micro Manage" Microdermabrasion Scrub.

After Baby Phat and her fragrance line, at this point in her life, Kimora Lee feel like it is about time she shares her beauty wisdom and experience with the masses, Shinto Clinical.

"I’ve been a model for 25 years. First, I started as a model for Chanel. By the time, I was 12, 13, I was on the runway."

"It’s really about being at a point in my life where so many people send me their things, their products, …I tried everything on the market. I tried stuff that costs hundreds of dollars to stuff that are super cheap, super simple remedies that cost nothing on the market."

"I feel like I feel skincare is a natural expertise, having brought on so many things I learned in my career (as a model, tv personality, designer),…time both behind as a designer and in front of the camera as a model and personality."
Having been a supermodel then a tv personality and designer, Kimora had the privilege of trying every beauty product underneath the sun,...
"It’s really about being at a point in my life where so many people send me their things, their products, …I tried everything on the market.  I tried stuff that costs hundreds of dollars to stuff that are super cheap, super simple remedies that cost nothing on the market."
Now, that Kimora is a busy business woman and mom on-the-go with her oldest entering the teen years, she needs quick and effective quality skincare that tackles the fine lines and blotches of aging while it gives back, improving the skin.
"I wanted to have something that delivers on that promise. I have tried products that had over-promised then under-delivered. I wanted to put out something that under-promised that over-delivered."

Delving into skincare is a natural progression for her.

Part of Kimora Lee's Shinto Clinical Skincare.

The entire line is about anti-aging and anti-inflammation based on beta glucan mushroom and her patented OMEGAPEARL-18®, Shinto Clinical’s proprietary complex of lightening and anti-aging ingredients.

It’s about East meets West.  The concept is nothing new but her approach is new because she wants quality products with quality ingredients to be accessible and down to earth to the everyday woman.  In spite of the traditional Asian ingredients, it’s not Asian.  It’s for everybody.
It is the best of Eastern ingredients with pearl powder, Wakame kelp, Beta Glucan Mushroom, and Omega 3,6,9 Fish Oils, combined with Western Science. 
Kimora added that before anyone launch their product on QVC, like she is about to,she advised that the shopping network has very high standards, "Beauty and QVC is all about your standards and your testing.  What went into it.  The clinicals are very real and tested." 
"Sure, people can walk into a drugstore and buy that $5 cream that promises to fight wrinkles. The real question is that as you continue to use it, does it continue to work?  Remember, my line is a treatment line." 
"When you put it on, it continues to work.  The 'Wash Away The Years' cleanser or my line is treatment-based line, after you’re done washing it off, the peptides continue to work.  The peptides and the ingredients are constantly being absorbed into your skin for ultimate hydration and feeding the skin. So, you’re combating the aging process, combating inflammation and dehydration, which are the number one signs of aging.  A scientific base with centuries-old botanicals."
During the clinical trials, her moisture cream puts in 400% moisture into your skin.  Shinto Clinical is about scientific methods applied to ancient medicine to create a cutting edge line. For people who do want to eat fish to keep their supple, Kimora imparts omega 3, 6, 9 fish oil in her cream then uses real Japanese Cherry Blossoms essence for a light scent.
Even though she spent her years modeling, designing, and traveling, she still consider herself "a girl from St. Louis, Missouri," and truly wants the everyday woman to experience the same high-end luxury products that she enjoyed over the years but making them attainable at a reasonable price without stinting on quality.

"The package design is beautiful. The product design. If you put a couple of zeroes behind the prices, this would be a crazy, high-end line.  But, we can give our consumers a quality line in a quality package in a price range that they can afford.  Affordable beauty. Affordable luxury.  Affordable luxury at reasonable prices."

The people raving Shinto Clinicals are the women already using it.  Women are already stealing Kimora's Micro Manage Microdermabrasion Scrub because the Cucumber, Eucalyptus, and Aloe Vera heal and soothe the skin as the medical-grade oxided crystals erase the lines, the zit pits, and blemishes away.  Kimora saves you a trip and money to the doctor's office. 
Karen Meena, the Vice President and Head Buyer for Ron Robinson, was very impressed with the line, enough to sell it at Ron Robinson Apothia.  She loves the line. She used Micro Manage then had it stolen by another girlfriend.
"You know, we at Ron Robinson Apothia, test out every line before they sell it.  My other girlfriends didn’t know it was Kimora’s line."  “Like I said, we try everything. It is so effective.  So, high quality at a great price. There’s nothing like it that we have. “  You know that anything that Kimora is going to put her name is going to be pretty.  It’s gonna  smell and looks pretty.  She has the best of everything.”  I love it that you bring in at a great price.  Because I test everything that we have, my friends are saying ‘What are you using?’ Ok, test, this is Kimora’s new line.  I let her test it and she wouldn’t give it back.”

Through a network of girlfriends, Shinto Clinical has proven to be a keeper.  As in, Kimora knows her stuff.

Shinto Clinical is medical-grade Asian skincare refined by Western technology then tested by women and hurried mom-approved.

She is launching her Shinto Clinical Skincare Line at Ron Robinson Apothia, Nordstorm's, and on QVC.
"I feel like at this time in my life, being my age, as you know, a working mom, a busy woman on the go, I need a skincare line that works for me and also works overtime for me, meaning it’s a treatment-boost line. As in when I wash it off then go to bed, it keeps on working.   The ingredients keep on working, as you fall asleep, they keep on fighting those fine lines.  They don’t wash away.  This is not a cosmetic, as in when you wash off the blush, the pink is gone. This effect stays and improves as you use it.  That’s the scientific –backing behind the line."

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