Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It is a Gud time to rinse off Coachella dust & Earth Day dirt.

By Laura Medina
The Gud Collection by Burt's Bees

Ok, you got your "hippy" going on by rolling in the mud and partying in the dust at Coachella for two weekends straight.  Then, you celebrated Earth Day at the beach, coated in sand.

Now, it's time to rinse all that fun off then start anew but still conscious about being good to the planet.

Burt's Bees' hipper, trendier, and more affordable skincare line, Gud, can help you smelling like a flower...and make you feel good as one.

Going to their site,, the scent advisor can help you pick the right scent for your personality or whatever mood you're in,

Floral Cherrynova™ is pretty and flowery. Pretty without being a pushover. Here the soft scent of Japanese cherry blossoms and creamy almond milk mingle to form a cashmere twin set of güdness. Use the shampoo followed by the conditioner to give your tresses a double dose of whoa.  The shampoo is crisp enough to leave your tresses nice and clean while the conditioner is light enough to be used as a leave-in conditioner if the water supply is low at the festival or the beach; or you are too plum tired to rinse it out.  Either way, your hair smells nice and natural.

The Floral Cherrynova Hand Wash pumps out a rich, foaming lather to save on water while the foam makes it luxurious and rich. Gud doesn't skimp on the pampering.

Orange Petalooza™ is an eye-opening, get your mojo going scent of blood oranges and hyacinth. It's not unusual to bust out a cartwheel when you smell it. Use the body wash in the shower and you might forgo the cuppa joe. Slather on the body lotion or spritz a cloud of this scent into the air and walk into the cloud. Feel it banish the clouds from your head.

Vanilla Flame™ is seduction in a bottle. The scent of vanilla and rice milk will conjure up an epic geisha who can body slam her fella with merely a look. Spritz a little into the air and let if drift down onto your hair and skin. Or slather on the body butter. Look in the mirror. Apparently, smokin' is permitted.

Gud is apparently for the junior set.  On the back of each Gud bottle, there is a barcode.  By scanning it, all sorts of games, deals, and discounts pop up.

Despite the fancy and fun scents, Gud is approachable at accessible prices, no higher than $7 and widely available at non-snobby stores, such as Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, Duane Reade, Kroger, Safeway, Harris Teeter, Wegmans, and Ulta.

After spending most of your money on room and board and festival passes then the Earth Day beach party, Gud can fit in real easy into your remaining wallet while nourishing you in wholesome ingredients and making you smell like a daisy.

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