Wednesday, December 15, 2010

H&M's largest and newest shop in Las Vegas at Caesar's Forum

By Laura Medina

Traditional Vegas Showgirls in H&M's red and white colors.
Considering is this a part of a holiday series, H&M wants to wish everyone "Happy Holidays" by throwing an opening party to their tallest and largest boutique-in Las Vegas at Caesar's Forum.
H&M hired old and new Vegas traditions to host the fete, the classic showgirls bedazzled in red and white to the new tradition of Cirque du Soliel performers and Lady Gaga and Cher impersonators greeting shoppers.

Bottom Center, H&M pure ice bar chisled out of a block of ice. Instant chill for rose champagne.

There was a big wait for this opening. The merchandising manager worked around the clock getting the manniquins dressed, posed, and strung up in mid-air. Prepping the DJ ledge overlooking the ground floor. Checking the elevators for the three-stories-yes, you heard it right-the three stories tall boutique up and running safe.

The overall layout is the women's collections on the ground floor. Men's in the middle then the children up on the three tier. Setting up like a mini-department store, there are escalators and glass elevators for those afraid of heights.

H&M spared no expense in bringing the holiday cheer with Vegas glitz.

Cher and Lady Gaga trotted among the shoppers. Local television crews held their spots.

Cirque du Soliel's "Mystere" performers mingled with the awestruck attendees.

A magican plucked a red orb out of this scribe's camera-and never failed to amaze.

It's not a solid floorplan. Each floor is cut away to a ledge overlooking the ground floor.
At the third floor, a shopper can look at the strung-up manniquins mid-air or those dressed up on the ledges.
If you want to check out H&M's jewel box of a boutique, it is located across from Max Brenner's Chocolate Restaurant and Shoppe at the revamped Caesar's Forum, Caesar's Palace's mall. They sandwich the new gelato bars.
Yummy clothes, performers, and food for the holidays.

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