Wednesday, October 8, 2008

News Women Gone Giddy by Laura Medina

The girls, ahem, the women of The Good News Foundation
News Alert! Preeminent Los Angeles women news anchors and television reporters break loose over good news.
Actually, these women above, KNBC's anchor and investigative journalist, Anna Garcia, KCAL's reporter, Pat Harvey, KTTV/Fox 11's anchor,Christine Devine and "Good Day L.A.'s" entertainment reporter, Dorothy Lucey then finally but not least, Wendy Burch, formerly KABC's roving report and Good News Foundation's founder/chairperson.
When these women aren't somberly reporting depressing occurences that normally qualify for news, they're active treasurer, co-chairs, and secretary in the Good News Foundations, a fellowship of journalists who recognize there are uplifting, newsworthy events that not only need to be brought into the spotlight but also be rewarded for improving lives.

Group Hug
At this celebration of good news, honorary guests cannot help but bust out of their dull gray uniform of blazer and suits.

On the lavendar carpet, these women turn into a giddy sisterhood, radiating in brilliant reds, purple, and fuschia, and kicking up their heels in Cole Haan silhouette and kitten heel pumps and isty-bitsy purses.

They may gone giddy but they haven't lost their influence. They managed to talk Cole Haan into throwing a fashion show to sweeten their awards luncheon.

On a vivid blue day at the Santa Monica Airport, Hollywood dignitaries mixed and mingled with Hollywood celebrities in this rare event, former Los Angeles Mayor, Richard Riordan and Sheriff Lee Baca socializing with pioneering hair stylist, Jose Eber, and the legendary Kirk Douglas and his wife, Anne.

This is more than just partying. The Douglases are being awarded the "Good News Maker of the Year Award," for raising funds and renovating broken-down playgrounds for children.

Kirk Douglas with his wife, Anne

Beverly Hills hair stylist, Jose Eber, being greeted by L.A. socialites

Since the girls are in charge, they spiced it up by inviting hunks for a good cause. HGTV's Carter Oosterhouse, star of "Carter Can" and "Red, Hot & Green," offered to chip in and contribute his construction skills in building safe but fun playgrounds in neglected neighborhoods.

HGTV's Carter Oosterhouse

"Sex in the City" star, Jason Lewis decided to join in on the sunny afternoon soiree with Cole Haan's CEO, James Seuss.

Jason Lewis scooting and shuffling closer to the photographers

Once the guests settled into their gourmet lunch of either grilled salmon fillet or chicken breast, the Good News Girls commence this luncheon by reminding everyone that purpose for this event-to honor and reward people, whether they're celebrities or the average Joe or Jane, who make a positive impact in people's lives.
The most obvious recepients were Kirk and Anne Douglas renovating playgrounds.
The other two unsung heroes were Jane Phillips, a KNBC graphic engineer who formed The Crown Jewel Club, an etiquette after-school program saving at-risk girls from joining gangs. Through Anna Garcia's son's help, these young ladies were given free, specially-designed trinkets from Juicy Couture.
The other heroine is Tanya Walters, a Los Angeles public school bus driver who was worried about her passengers' falling grades and educational apathy, basically their lack of overall drive. On a whim, she took these kids on educational field trips, from a marine lab to Museum of Tolerence, all within their own backyard. For each outing, Tanya saw a bump in their grades and a new zeal in education. This bus driver turned fairy godmother maxed out her own credit cards to lease a bus to drive these kids cross-country on a road trip. It wasn't the usual amusement parks but a soul-changing trip tracing the paths and roots of the Civil Rights Movement, the history and horrors of slavery, and the road to Independence. She wants these kids to know there is a bigger world out there. Plus, the world doesn't swirl around Hollywood and entertainment, there are bigger and deeper issues that impact them directly.
For her efforts, Oprah profiled her and the Good News Girls rewarded her with a top-of-line tour bus to take Tanya and her kids on another inspiring road trip plus a fund to continue her educational program.

After people digested the meat and potatos of the purpose of the Good News Foundation, the girls offered a special treat-a Cole Haan fashion show of its current Fall/Winter 08 Collection.
A functional Americana of sporty but classic clothes fitting into people's daily lives. Here are these bumper crop of Autumn trends hitting the stores right now.
Fall's flourishes were swingy wool capes...

Marshmallowy puff vests in pumpkin...

Morphing into buttery tan leather jackets, coats, and boots. This outfit has a touch of that Late Fifties/Early Sixities' "Mad Men" influence.

The trench coat is retooled into leather, specifically the Seventies in classic tan or bottle green.

This ensemble is very classic Mid-Seventies Michael Kor's look-tan leather trench coat paired with cool, crisp white trousers.

Another "Mad Men" fashion impact other than old school suit & tie and form-fitting shift dresses is Betty Draper's stress-relieving hobby of horse-riding and her equestrian gear, early acceptable sports/activewear for middle and upper-class women in the early Sixities.
Above, is a more practical pair of Cole Haan's Air Abbi Rainboots in rubber and canvas.

Here's the trendier version with matching riding boots and hobo bag, very Town & Country.

The real treat is having local news weather men, KCBS's Kaj Goldberg and ...

KNBC's Fritz Coleman modeling as the show's finale, the All-American Men at any age showing off Americana fashion.
Once the festivities ended, the guests were allowed to bring home the hand-craved wooden airplanes and the numerous glittering place settings since the decorator has no room to store them.
Wow! A star-studded lunch with a trio of desserts, news anchors whooping it up, a wearable fashion show, and dazzling artwork doubling as place settings turned souvenirs.
The Good News Girls are definitely in charge!

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