Monday, October 19, 2020

Miranda Spigener-Sapon's Noirtainment's "The New" and "Haisley" are What Drive the TV Industry Now.

 By Laura Medina

Pandemic, quarantine or not, film makers will discover ways to continue through creating, thriving and evolving.

In this interview, Noirtainment's Miranda Spigener-Sapon proves you can still produce movies and tv shows during these challenging times.

While offering tidbits on the upcoming TV series, "The New," her and actor Bernard Robichaud discuss about how to shoot a TV show during quarantine while having a TV show on air right now, on Amazon Prime Video.

During a film break from shooting "The New," Noirtainment still get things done on a tight shoot schedule with a small necessary crew and cast of two actors, an assistant director, a camera operator, and two actors that are needed for the day.  Nimble, quick, and efficient are the call of the day.

"The New" is a post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, action thriller proving you can still get things done under a quarantine with strict safety guidelines.

In fact, this prescient publication already presented "The New" while it was still filming under pre-pandemic and pre-quarantine, "The New", a Noir/Sci-fi Series By Miranda Spigener-Sapon, “Which side will you choose?"

Midway through filming, that's when the quarantine came into place, forcing writer/producer/director, Miranda Spigener-Sapon to adjust, pivot, then evolve into what it is now, this recent weekend shoot, a sleek crew of her, camera operator, and an assistant director with a two actor cast of Bernard Robichaud and Andrew Flores.

Miranda's and Bernard's other project just got released on Amazon Prime Video, an animated series, "Haisley,"  Haisley, the title character, wakes up in an alternate universe and reality.  As the  heroine of the saga, she goes on an heroine's journey to get back to her own timeline and to her dad.  Accompanying her is The Raven, played by Bernard.

Shooting an action sci-fi thriller while having a current tv series airing on Amazon Prime Video, Noirtainment's "The New" proves that you can still shoot and film under the strictest of conditions and still get things done.

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