Monday, May 20, 2019

Ali Landry Gets Real at Powerful U Summit.

By Laura Medina

Model, actress, and Lifetime's "The Balancing Act," host, Ali Landry opens up and gets real at the Powerful-U Summit.

Her purpose at the summit, is that just because she appears perfect, it doesn't mean she or her lifestyle is perfect.  No need to beat up oneself.

During her Breakout session, she admitted doing a very early morning talk show can wreck havoc on one's circadian rhythm.

She assumed she had an easy gig where she can juggle, manage, and fit in her kids, a "mommy schedule."

Ali said the reality of any morning show is this...You arrive at work, on set, at 5 o' clock in the morning, get prepped, get to know the topics and the guests at 7am, tape from 9am until 10am then hooray, you're off.

She assumed she'll hit the gym, as soon as she got off work. Wrong, Ali admitted she went straight to bed and her only brunch was a bag of Cheetos and a bag of Brownie Brittle then she hit the snooze button, into deep sleep.  She woke up in time, to pick up the kids from school, where she puts appearances of the perfect mom and wife then her morning talk show circadian rhythm cycles again.

The odd hours and the intense work and a poor diet added up to hair loss and a messed hormonal system, that she told the Powerful-U audience.

Right now, Ali is trying to reclaim her circadian rhythm through better nutrition and asking and informing the majority women audience that you shouldn't accept incontinence and drying as a normal part of aging and that vaginal rejuvenation does wonder for your physical health.

Meet the Ali Landry.

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