Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Jeff Bridges Narrating on the Evolution of Mankind and How It's Impacting the Environment, Living in Future's Past.

By Laura Medina

Narrating on how humans' evolution has greatly impacted the environment, Jeff marvels with scientists on how recent humans are and how quickly they evolved to control and rule environment, sometimes for good...sometimes for the worse...

Jeff dives deep with scientists on how new humans are.  How lucky they are to be bipedal that we conquer and rule and control the environment.

But, exploitation of fossil fuels and reliance on plastic are coming to bite us in the butt, through climate change.

Living in the Future's Past takes a look 'under the hood of humanity' beyond politics and borders to explore what it means to be human in these challenging times. Jeff Bridges shares the screen with profound scientists and thought leaders to ask audiences: "what kind of future would you like to see?" and explore how we can contribute towards shaping that future. 

Living in the Future's Past is opening in select theaters October 5-11 and nationwide on October 9 for a special one-night-only theatrical event.

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