Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"Power Napping" While Getting Kate Somerville's Signature Facial.

By Laura Medina

Do you ever wish, stuck in traffic or trap in the cubicle, there must be an easier to multi-task without the stress?

Believe it or not, you can.  It is possible but like anything possible, it comes in unexpected guises, such as power napping.

Power Napping?  Yes, if it is done at Kate Somerville Spa.

Tucked away on a little but glamor-packed side street with a powerful name, Melrose Place, you can accomplish a skin-smoothing, blemish-erasing high-tech facial while napping away in the spa's cozy but protective sanctuary.

Don't worry, the majority of merchants on Melrose Place share a common parking valet service.  At Kate Somerville Spa, they'll validate your valet parking ticket so you can only pay $5 for parking.

After the milk cleanser wipes away the grimy pollutants off your face, the aesthetician uses an ultrasound exfoliation to really eradicate the gunk off your face.  Funny, the fuzzy static buzz puts this writer to sleep.  

Once asleep, the aesthetician plucks and extracts more gunk, buried deep within those pesky pores.  Thoroughly cleaned, the real treatment masks begin.  This writer wishes she can tell more but she was already asleep by then.

Before this writer knows it, a 45 minutes had flown by without a wink or a blink.  The aesthetician gently knocked on the door to wake this scribe out of a deep slumber.

Unbeknownst, this scribe woke up with a bright and clean complexion.  The aesthetician politely informed this slumbering scribe that she used the newest and latest aerating DermalQuench Liquid Lift Advanced Wrinkle Treatment spray pump (this would be great on a hot, sweaty Summer day).  

Before that, she did a further exfoliation that also nourishes.  She spread Kate Somerville Dilo Oil Restorative Treatment to exfoliate then firm up the skin’s own lipid layer and elasticity.

She then smoothed a mere dollop of oil-free yet peptide-rich Kate Somerville Deep Tissue Repair Cream with Peptide K8™ for Gen-X transitional skin.  

The aesthetician taught this writer a clever trick that she used on me, while snoozing.  She took a dollop of
Deep Tissue Repair Cream with Peptide K8™ then mixed into a mere two drops of the thin but potent Kate Somerville Daily Deflector™ Waterlight Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ PA+++ Anti-Aging Sunscreen.  Yes, the sunscreen is as light as water but it's pretty powerful.  The aesthetician warned having three drops is too much.  One or two drops are enough to give the entire face broad protection.  Based on waking up with a glowing, radiating skin, her advice is suffice.  A little goes a long way and saves money.

At Kate Somerville Spa, you can accomplish a lot while Power Napping.

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