Friday, June 7, 2013

Barbie is Moving from Malibu and Hitting the Road.

 By Laura Medina

 After living in Malibu, California for 41 years, Barbie have seen many changes to her Malibu 'hood and decided it was time for a change.

Now, she embarked on a 13 cities tour to find a new home,

The first piece of real estate she checked out was The Grove in Hollywood where she pitched a roving Barbie House, her Barbie Fashion Design Plates tent, and her Barbie MegaBloks where she and other girls can play architect and interior designer.

Her main "home-away-from-home" is a mobile runway house where girls-little and big-can dress up in pink feather boas and white satin opera gloves, strut a catwalk then having their photographs taken.

The big draw and the hidden but very important focus of this tour is promoting girls' education for careers later as women.

Mothers were thrilled watching their daughter, especially the ones gifted with the talent to draw and color coordinate, make their very first clothing designs on Barbie's Fashion Templates, where girls slide on a miniature classic shift dress over a template plate, rub on a design pattern then painted, decorated, and bedazzle with gems and glitter.

This scribe, way, way back in the days, had to used Lego Blocks to build her Barbies a townhouse and furniture.  It is nice to see MegaBloks have caught up with the times.

Fathers got a kick watching their daughter build their very first mansion, townhouse, fashion retail boutique, and convertible car at the Barbie MegaBlok tent, .  These girls are acquiring lifestyles that they will use later as professional adults as fashion designers, architects, and interior designers, even interior decorators.

Witnessing young girls discovering their talents (basically, having girls discovering their spatial-analytical intelligence) then finessing them into life-long skills was greatly rewarded at the Barbie Pop-Up Shop Tour; and it was even more rewarding for their parents.  Fathers like building mansions and cars with their daughters.

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