Friday, August 24, 2012

Clos du Bois Rouge went Moulin Rouge at Bar Marmont

By Laura Medina
Photos by Charley Galley of Getty Images 

Eva Amurri, Jamie King, & Mandy Moore, left. Clos du Bois Rouge Wine, right.

In a tiny but very much an insider spot, Bar Marmont, nestled beside Chateau Marmont on the edge of Sunset Strip, Clos du Bois threw a Moulin Rouge party befitting the launch of the its new red wine, Clos du Bois Rouge...obviously.

Eva Amurri, Jamie King, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Lowndes mingled with the crowd without hassles.
Shoot, guests were too busy imbibing the new red wine to care who's famous or not.  As far everyone was concerned, everyone was fabulous.

Mind you, this wasn't a drunk frat fest.  It was a French-themed party.

Sure, the mini tabs of mignon filet wrapped in glazed bacon, cups of shoestring pomme frites, fried balls of artichoke beignets, and fingers of powder-sugared croque-monsieur sandwiches kept everyone from being sloshed satyrs and satyresses.

Other than the main star of Clos du Bois Rouge, the main attraction was the Crepe de la Creme cart, too good to pass up.  Guests savored the savory crepes as their main dinner then rushed back, drooling, for the gooey Nutella/strawberry/almond/banana mix encased in crunchy crepe cases.  Save the savory crepes for dinner and the dessert ones first thing in the morning.  Dessert crepes make great breakfast.

In between the French food fest, people posed in the photo booth and hanged with the Can-Can Dancers kicking up their heels.

Vive le Clos du Bois Rouge Vin.

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