Saturday, May 12, 2012

Give Your Mommy a Real Treat...The Manhattan Cocktail Classic Tour with Manicure

By Laura Medina

For all my ladies already in the Big Apple or those visiting Manhattan this weekend and for those where "Mother's Day" doesn't register on the radar or for the moms who seriously need a cocktail to carry on, here's a marvelous treat , the 2012 Manhattan Cocktail Classic, a 5 day and night gourmet cocktail festival happening right night now all over Manhattan, until May 15th. 

Ok, in "lay woman" terms it is a super chic bar crawl-turned-city tour highlighting the best drinks at the best bars and restaurants that Manhattan can offer.

More of a fun treasurer hunt and considering the size of the tour, the Manhattan Cocktail Classic is party festival, part fete, part conference, and part cocktail party, the Manhattan Cocktail Classic is an annual celebration of cocktails and culture.  With over 100 events sprawled across 5 boroughs over 5 days, think of this as a culinary, cultural excursion discovering new drinks that best represents each locale while breaking out of your olde routine and olde neighborhood.  This is a treasure hunt of cocktail extravaganza.

For the mommy and daddy burnt out on brunch...and the screaming toddlers, yearning for their "double-income, no kids" days, you can treat her to a "Sex and the City" nights or a "Carrie and Mr. Big" night where you have every reason to camp the kids with the babysitter then you and the Mrs. can paint the town hitting those cocktail spots.

Speaking of painting the town red, the Manhattan Cocktail Classic has teamed up with China Glaze Nail Polish to offer something extra nice for the ladies, the "Cocktail Nail" Manicure.

Any excuse for girlfriends to come together post-Mother's Day, during the Manhattan Cocktail Classic, 20 top salons around New York City are offering 12 custom-designed China Glaze Cocktail Nails manicures using classic China Glaze shades. 

Each salon and manicure highlights highlights the three nails on the fingers with which a lady naturally holds her cocktail (thumb, index and middle finger on the right hand) with one eye-catching shade while all other nails are painted a complimentary shade.

The multi-colored and hued manicures are inspired and compliment the cocktails highlighted on the tour...

China Glaze® Classic: Purple Panic neon crème with a splash of Full Spectrum chroma glitter

Piña Colada: Sun Worshipper orange neon complimented by Electric Pineapple crème

Bloody Mary: Love Marilyn 3D glitter paired with Hey Sailor crème

White Russian: Golden Meringue crème mixed with Stellar glitter

Mojito: Goddess glitter and Re-Fresh Mint crème

Martini: Icicle with Luxe & Lush flaky top coat

Take advantage of this culinary and cultural excursion and explore the great Big Apple, discover new recipes, new neighborhoods, and new place while collecting all sorts of fun manicure.

Instead of the usual suspects of flower and brunch, give your mama a real treat that makes her the queen that she is.

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