Monday, April 9, 2012

A Teaser Taste of Coachella and the Upcoming Festival Season

By Laura Medina

Van Jones, Rain Phoenix, & Edward Norton.

This isn't your average fashion and beauty tidbit but 99% fundraising concert does offer a teaser of what Coachella's lineup will be and what type of musical acts will be performing and what type of celebrities will be hanging out.

Come to think of the 99% concert as the cleaned up, washed up, and grown-up version of Coachella for one night only.

The star wattage for this fundraiser was blinding...

Elijah Woods

The real Jason Alexander is way hipper than George Constanza...and less anxious-ridden.

The tale of how 99% got the rising hot band and Coachella headliners, Fitz & the Tantrums for free and in the last minute.  Laura Dawn, the Creative Director of, asked them then they appeared.  On the left, is Fitz and the band rehearsing and warming up as soon as the day art fair shut down.  On the right, they're the opening act for Jack Black's Tenacious D with his buddy, Kyle and the real headliner, Moby.

Fitz & the Tantrums warmed up the stage, getting the politically-minded ready for Jack Black's simple and sparse duo of him and Kyle, Tenacious D.  A lot of pryo-technics wasn't required for this set.  Jack's energy kept it rolling onto...

the Moby.  He simply said there was a technical problem and may not continue.  Then, he apologized saying they fixed the problem then Zen-like, starting spinning the decks, whipping up the serious crowd into a frenzy.  As a dance master of electronica, he doesn't need a lot of personality to bring down the house.

Can't forget this and what this concert at night and art fair by day is for...Occupy Movement and the 99%.  This was summed up when Shepard Fairey did his riff on the original photograph, "Sarah," taken at one of the Occupy Movement.  These art work brought it home.

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