Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Miami-Tested, Oribe's new Haircare Line

By Laura Medina

If your once luscious, wavy locks puff up into a cotton candy frizz while choking in Summer's humidity, no need to slick on more grease.

Oribe's humidity-taming and Miami-tested new hair care is here to rescue your tresses from being stressed.

To tame the frizzies, start out the Moisture and Control Shampoo and Conditioner as the foundation. Depending on how laidback you are or in a rush, the frizz can be tamed either way.

Creme for Style only requires a dab to control the craziness. It can be used on both dry or wet hair, basically anytime. It is an equal opportunist for straight and curly hair.

Want to put the bounce back into your curls?

After soon you're done shampooing and conditioning your locks, rub in this curl activator for shiny, healthy curls without the crunch. As they air dry, the waves will bounce right back.

Want Oribe's client, Jennifer Lopez's golden look? A dab in the hair then a dab here and there, or any where on the body, from his new gold pomade adds that golden goddess glow. A multi-purpose hair and body highlighter, not bad.

Can't stand the sticky residue of melting hairstyle and gel down your shoulders, neck, and face then into your stinging eyes?

Oribe thought of that, too.

He replaced the spray with his Impermeable Anti-Humidity Spray shielding the strands from frizz on the sultriest days and nights while protecting those labor-intensive blowouts and those bouncy curls.

If you want to refresh and fluff, you can spritz his Dry Texturizing Spray, regular and purse-sized, a cleaner choice to dry shampoo without the grayish, powdery residue. It adds UV protection for the strands as it lifts the locks.

Now, you can be South Beach sexy, not Summer Hot Mess.

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